How American Student Transportation Is Keeping Students Safe During the Pandemic


It seems the Coronavirus is here to stay, at least for a while, which carries heavy implications for the safety of all – especially our children and their right to a safe education.

Though the state of Minnesota has implemented measures to reduce the spread of the virus in schools, the fact of the matter is that if your students are pursuing in-person instruction of any form, additional safety precautions must be taken.

Your district’s reputation is on the line right now.

Neglecting safety measures during this chaotic time would send an alarming message to parents: that you can’t get your act together when their children’s health is at risk.

If you aren’t stringent about masks, social distancing, and sanitizing in the classroom and on the school bus, the parents in your district may lose faith in your leadership.

Your students deserve a safe learning environment.

That’s part of your school’s mission, right? Every child is entitled to a space where they can settle down and focus on learning, and that’s impossible with the threat of sickness hovering on the horizon.

Safe students learn better.

Your students deserve a safe learning environment because their ability to focus affects their performance too. By adopting strict safety measures, you ensure the comfort and educational success of your entire district during a time which is anything but conducive to it.

Indeed, your school needs to adopt firm protective measures to uphold its reputation and give students their due opportunities for success. However, these protective measures can’t just stop with your school – you must find a school bus contractor that promotes a culture of safety.

Children spend a lot of time on the bus – a lot of opportunities for transmission to occur. Plus, student transportation services workers can’t watch every single student at every given moment. Without the implementation and structure of firm safety measures, students don’t have the framework they need to prevent transmission when they’re given more autonomy.

Finally, your school bus services are entwined with your school’s reputation. If a child falls ill due to exposure on the bus, it’s not only the group transportation services company that’s on the line – it’s your school system too. Parents trust that their children will be in your district’s capable care from the moment they leave the house in the morning to when they return home in the afternoon, and a violation of this in any way feels like a betrayal of that trust.

Is your current school bus contractor not taking the current public health situation seriously? Don’t fret. You’ve landed on the website of one who definitely is.

How Our Services Keep Kids Safe During the Pandemic

We’ve prioritized safety from the day we opened our doors, and we don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. Motivating our crew of passionate drivers to go the extra mile in terms of precautions was easy, and to this day our entire team prioritizes the well-being and health of the students in its care.

  • We practice social distancing with safe seating systems.

Health experts recommend keeping six feet apart, so we’ve had to rethink seating. Our buses now enforce a mandatory seating system to keep students safely separated. This means that our vehicles are operating at a reduced capacity, but that’s a good thing. The fewer people there are in an enclosed space right now, the better.

  • We follow a thorough sanitation process post-route.

Though we’ve always been concerned about matters of cleanliness on our buses, it’s our duty to double down in these dire times. After each route, our vehicles are sanitized from top to bottom, providing a clean and safe environment to keep your students healthy.

  • We watch students for signs of stress.

The current situation is certainly strenuous for everyone, but children in particular might struggle to comprehend or cope with it. Our attentive bus drivers work to forge a personal relationship with the students in their care, offering support and security.

  • Masks are required on the bus for both drivers and students.

Experts say masks are one of the most effective ways we can keep one another safe, so why shouldn’t they be worn on the school bus, too? Though our buses are routinely santitized, we cannot account for chance transmissions from the children in our care, so we require masks when riding.

Contact Us for Safety-Conscious School Bus Services

Protect your students and your district’s reputation and kick your current negligent school bus contractor to the curb. You’ve got a safer alternative waiting: American Student Transportation Services. Give our Blaine terminal a call today at 651-621-8900.